Ti 84 calculator online statistics functions
Ti 84 calculator online statistics functions

ti 84 calculator online statistics functions

Refer to the video below for steps for doing this on your calculator.

ti 84 calculator online statistics functions

Remember to investigate a residual plot to confirm whether your proposed regression models the data well.

ti 84 calculator online statistics functions

Be aware that, when fitting a linear regression model to a set of data, the residuals are automatically stored in a list called RESID. Make sure that your regression diagnostics are turned on. It is unlikely that you will be asked to draw a scatterplot on the exam however, being familiar with creating and analyzing a scatterplot of bivariate data could prove crucial. In this post, I have compiled a list of 6 of the most important statistics features to know for the TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. As you take the AP® Statistics exam, some questions will require the use of a calculator to perform a statistical test, compute a probability, or display a graph.

Ti 84 calculator online statistics functions